[plt-scheme] examples of code using graph.ss?
Here is a simple example;
let me know how you go
(module graph-demo mzscheme
(lib "mred.ss" "mred")
(lib "graph.ss" "mrlib")
(lib "class.ss")
(define the-frame
(new frame% ;
(label "graph-demo")
(width 600)
(height 600)))
;; add the matching descriptions list box
(define the-editor-canvas (instantiate editor-canvas% (the-frame)))
(define draw-lines-pasteboard% (class (graph-pasteboard-mixin pasteboard%)
(define/public (add-issue issue)
(let* ((issue-snip (make-object
my-graph-snip% issue))
(send this insert issue-snip)
(define the-graph-pasteboard (instantiate draw-lines-pasteboard% ()))
(send the-editor-canvas set-editor the-graph-pasteboard)
(define my-graph-snip% (graph-snip-mixin string-snip%)) ;; use
; I'm playing with a decorated editor snip at the moment so I can edit the
; of a snip in-place, and have a cute little icon, all in a nice box.
;; does what it says on the can.
(define (connect parent child)
(define dark-pen (send the-pen-list find-or-create-pen "blue" 1 'solid))
(define dark-brush (send the-brush-list find-or-create-brush "blue"
(define light-pen (send the-pen-list find-or-create-pen "light blue" 1
(define light-brush (send the-brush-list find-or-create-brush "light
blue" 'solid))
(add-links parent child
dark-pen light-pen
dark-brush light-brush "-->to-->" ))
(define aaa (send the-graph-pasteboard add-issue "aaa"))
(define bbb (send the-graph-pasteboard add-issue "bbb"))
(define ccc (send the-graph-pasteboard add-issue "ccc"))
(define ddd (send the-graph-pasteboard add-issue "ddd"))
(connect aaa bbb)
(connect ccc bbb)
(connect ddd bbb)
(connect aaa ddd)
(send the-frame show #t)
(define-values (width height) (send the-editor-canvas get-client-size))
(printf "width:~a height:~a" width height)
(define (random-position extent)
(+ 30 (random (- extent 60)))
(send the-graph-pasteboard move-to aaa (random-position width)
(random-position height) )
(send the-graph-pasteboard move-to bbb (random-position width)
(random-position height))
(send the-graph-pasteboard move-to ccc (random-position width)
(random-position height))
(send the-graph-pasteboard move-to ddd (random-position width)
(random-position height))
Stephen De Gabrielle
s.degabrielle at ucl.ac.uk
Telephone +44 (0)20 7679 5242 (x45242)
Mobile 079 851 890 45
University College London Interaction Centre
Remax House - 31/32 Alfred Place
London - WC1E 7DP
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