[plt-scheme] What scheme module is this GUI code for?
I was looking at this code and it is almost the same as wxPython which
is a Python wrapper for a Xwindow system (I think I am saying that right
[I have yet to make a wrapper personally]). This is the best news so far
today... Maybe after getting wxPython into my head whatever module the
code below is for won't be totally new!
; Get the canvas's drawing context
(define dc (send canvas get-dc))
; Make some pens and brushes
(define no-pen (make-object pen% "BLACK" 1
(define blue-brush (make-object brush% "BLUE"
(define yellow-brush (make-object brush%
(define/public (redraw-chart list-of-integers)
(send dc set-pen no-pen)
(send dc set-brush blue-brush)
(send dc draw-rectangle 0 0 100 200) ; big
blue rectangle