[plt-scheme] How to introduce a variable binding into a macro?
Hi I am looking at simple macros.
Here is a macro to create a one argument function.
(define-syntax =>
(syntax-rules {}
{(_ var body)
(λ (var) body)}))
(define foo1 (=> x (+ x x)))
I would like to abstract that for creating one arguments functions,
where x is the variable bound to the argument of the function. I would
like to be able to refer to that variable in the body of the function
First I tried this:
(define-syntax \x
(syntax-rules {}
{(_ body)
(λ (x) body)}))
(define foo2 (\x (+ x x)))
That doesn't work as (I'm guessing) the body doesn't have 'x' within
its scope. I would like to bind the argument of that function as x and
introduce it to the scope of its body. The error message just says
'bad syntax'.
It seems like with-syntax and datum->syntax-object is a place to start:
I'm not too sure where to start, though. Any tips on this one?