[plt-scheme] text% : snips, styles and delta-styles
Hi folks
Inside a text% editor, I trying to change the delta-style from some snips.
However, when I change the delta-style for a style for the first snip,
all the text in the editor get the same style, even if I change the
delta style for others snip further.
Maybe I missed something about styles and delta-styles...
Here is my code for changing the styles :
(define colorize
(lambda (a-text)
(let* ((input (open-input-string (send a-text get-text)))
(lex (makeLexer input))
(lexed (analyse-all lex))) ; lexed is a list of (id text position)
(let ((oldIndex 0) ; It is unused right now
(lambda (l)
(let ((type (car l)) (pos (caddr l)))
(send a-text split-snip pos) ; for splitting snips
(let ((snip (send a-text find-snip pos 'before))) ;
and get the one before
(printf "~a: ~a~n" type (send snip get-text 0
(send snip get-count)))
(let ((snip-style (send snip get-style))
(new-snip-delta (assv type get-delta)))
(when new-snip-delta
(let ((snip-delta (cadr new-snip-delta)))
(send snip-style get-delta snip-delta)
(send snip-style set-delta (send snip-delta
set-delta-foreground (cadr (assv type types-style))))))
(for-each color-snip lexed)))
get-delta is a a-list with delta styles :
(define get-delta
`(; Syntax: (identifier a-style-delta)
(keyword ,(let ((new-delta (make-object style-delta%
(send new-delta set-delta-foreground "blue")))
(empty ,(let ((new-delta (make-object style-delta% 'change-normal-color)))
(send new-delta set-delta-foreground "orange")))
(string ,(let ((new-delta (make-object style-delta%
(send new-delta set-delta-foreground "green")))
(int ,(let ((new-delta (make-object style-delta% 'change-normal-color)))
(send new-delta set-delta-foreground "red"))))
and types-style is another a-list with (keyword "color") elements.
For my example, all the editor is orange colored, because the first
snip style is linked with empty, for other snip, with get-style,
get-delta and get-delta-foreground, I'm able to see that the colors in
the delta are differents, but these differences are not visible.
Does anyone has an example with style-list, snip and colors for a text% object ?
Cyprien Nicolas