[plt-scheme] SSAX installation problem

From: Mike J. Bell (ckimyt at gmail.com)
Date: Mon Oct 8 15:19:52 EDT 2007

I figured I would post this to PLT first because I have not yet tried to
install SSAX on anything else.

I downloaded SSAX version 2006.05.30 as a .plt archive.  When I try to
install it in PLT version 371 on Mac OSX, I get the following error:

cannot install; version (200) of collection ("mzscheme") is required, but
version (370) is installed

 === context ===
/Applications/PLT Scheme v371/collects/setup/unpack.ss:248:42: loop
/Applications/PLT Scheme v371/collects/setup/unpack.ss:138:10

This is the installer progress window:

setup-plt: Setup version is 371 [3m]
setup-plt: Available variants: 3m
setup-plt: Main collection path is /Applications/PLT Scheme v371/collects
setup-plt: Collection search path is
setup-plt:   /Users/mikeb/Library/PLT Scheme/371/collects
setup-plt:   /Applications/PLT Scheme v371/collects
cannot install; version (200) of collection ("mzscheme") is required, but
version (370) is installed

 === context ===
/Applications/PLT Scheme v371/collects/setup/unpack.ss:248:42: loop
/Applications/PLT Scheme v371/collects/setup/unpack.ss:138:10

The only reference to this kind of error I found on the net was in French,
and Google's translation was less than spectacular (such that I couldn't
make sense of the fix):


Anybody know what's going on?  Any help would be greatly appreciated!

(This came about trying to test out the recipe for "simple XML changes" at
http://schemecookbook.org/view/Cookbook/XMLRecipeSimpleChanges by
HectorEGomezMorales and GordonWeakliem)

Mike J. Bell on gmail
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