[plt-scheme] Drscheme syntax highlighting and #;

From: Aleks Bromfield (abromfie at cs.brown.edu)
Date: Fri Oct 5 23:13:56 EDT 2007

> My guess is that it will not be easy to do all that, and given my
> Emacs experience I prefer if things stay as they are now.

I encountered a similar problem while writing DrOCaml. The
framework.ss text area can only highlight text based on its lexical
structure, rather than its parse tree. I wanted comments to be
highlighted as a single color, but in doing so, I gave up
paren-matching for comments. So if you typed (* (* (* *) *) *), the
only way to know that you finished closing the comments is that the
color would switch back to normal afterwards. Not so ideal.

> (BTW^2, and getting farther away -- symmetry freaks like me will
> obviously suggest new concrete syntaxes for `quasicomment',
> `uncomment', and `uncomment-splicing'.  I'm sure that everyone will
> share my joy at the beautiful-but-completely-useless syntax.)

To the contrary, I think quasicomment and uncomment would be extremely
useful. If I'm writing something like this:

(if complicated-expression a b)

and I'm trying to debug complicated-expression, I'd love to be able to
say (with a better concrete syntax, obviously):

#;(if complicated-expression #{uncomment}a b)

~ Aleks

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