[plt-scheme] Slideshow and pretty-print
I get two questions:
1. in slideshow, why code could not print my s-exp good?
2. How can I reserve the annotations when I apply pretty-print ?
below is the demo code, thanks!
(module pretty-print-test (lib "slideshow.ss" "slideshow")
(require (lib "pretty.ss")
(lib "code.ss" "slideshow"))
(define code-test '(code "DrScheme" "DrScheme"
"DrScheme" (break one) (break two) "DrScheme"
(break three) "DrScheme"))
(code #,code-test))
;; it is different in REPL
(define test
'(this is
a test))
(define ptest
(pretty-format test))
(code #,ptest)))
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