[plt-scheme] passing flags to gcc

From: Will Farr (farr at mit.edu)
Date: Mon Nov 5 10:30:02 EST 2007


Your program is failing at the pre-processing step by xform.  Use the
++ccpf flag in addition to the ++ccf flag to include options in the
pre-processing step.  So, your command line would look like

mzc -v --auto-dir ++ccf -I/local/include/foo ++cppf -I/local/include/foo foo.ss

Good luck.


P.S.---xform is the program used to transform C source code to include
the instrumentation necessary for the new "3m" garbage collector.  You
should be able to read more about it in the docs, if you aren't
familiar already.

On Nov 5, 2007 10:18 AM, David Van Horn <dvanhorn at cs.brandeis.edu> wrote:
> I used to be able to pass command line flags to gcc via mzc with the
> ++ccf flag (and ++ldf analogously for the liner), but it doesn't seem to
> work anymore.  Here are the relevant parts of compiling a program that
> depends on somefoo.h, found in /local/include/foo, but notice that the
> -I flag is not given as an argument to gcc:
> mzc -v --auto-dir ++ccf -I/local/include/foo foo.ss
> mzc v371 [3m], Copyright (c) 2004-2007 PLT Scheme Inc.
> "foo.ss":
>   Reading...  expanding...
>   (...... elided .....)
>   [xforming C to "/usr/tmp/mzcTMPfoo3m.c"]
> xform-cpp: (/usr/bin/gcc -E -DMZ_PRECISE_GC -I/local/include/plt
> -I/local/lib/plt/collects/compiler -DMZ_XFORM -DMZ_PRECISE_GC
> -DGC_STACK_CALLEE_RESTORE /usr/tmp/mzcTMPfoo.c)
> /usr/tmp/mzcTMPfoo.c:7:19: error: somefoo.h: No such file or directory
> What am I doing wrong?
> Thanks,
> David
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