[plt-scheme] Why do folks implement *dynamically* typed languages?
On Wed, May 30, 2007 at 11:37:17AM -0700, Michael Vanier wrote:
> I find this analogy quite amusing, since every time I use PowerPoint I have
> to manually turn off all the autocorrect options because it invariably
> corrects things in ways I don't want. I find myself saying "just do what I
> want!" over and over again. Apparently other M$ products do the same; I
> had a friend write me an email about improv comedy where all the "improv"s
> were changed to "improve" -- after all, everyone knows that "improv" isn't
> a word, right?
> BTW one aspect of this discussion that Matthias alluded to but didn't
> describe in detail is languages with dependent type systems e.g. Epigram.
> In those languages, the type system is extremely powerful but also
> undecidable, so the programmer takes on the proof obligations him/herself.
> My impression is that advanced statically-typed languages are moving in
> this direction, which may make the boundary between such languages and
> Scheme very small indeed.
I was working on this stuff in the 80's. It's neat stuff.
-- hendrik