[plt-scheme] Closure Representation
Thank you for your response Matthew. Flat closures need to be "populated"
with the bindings of the free variables. Are local functions lambda-lifted
(or joisted) to simplify this process or is the environment traversed at
runtime to determine the bindings?
On 5/18/07, Matthew Flatt <mflatt at cs.utah.edu> wrote:
> At Fri, 18 May 2007 13:59:22 -0400, "Marco Morazan" wrote:
> > Can anyone point me to a document or web page that describes how
> closures
> > are represented in PLT Scheme?
> What level of detail are you looking for?
> For the basic architecture, there's no document specific to PLT Scheme,
> but the implementation is one of the typical points in the spectrum
> described by textbooks. MzScheme's closures are essentially "flat": a
> code pointer is packaged with the values (or boxes, in the case of
> mutable variables) associated with its free variables. For module-level
> bindings, though, there's an extra indirection: one reference in the
> closure record to an array of module bindings (and the array is shared
> for all closures in the same module).
> If you want to know the actual byte layout for some reason, see
> `Scheme_Closure' and `Scheme_Native_Closure' in
> "src/mzscheme/src/schpriv.h". Beware that the `vals' array is not
> actually an array of values; it can contain mutable-variable
> indirections and a module-level array, as noted above.
> Matthew
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