[plt-scheme] servlet2.ss, servlet.ss, etc.
OK, that does answer my question, thanks. But I'm getting an error
from the code you sent.
When I execute it, the web server is started and a browser is opened,
but the browser is pointed to:
http://localhost:8000/servlets/standalone.ss which shows this error:
"Servlet didn't load. open-input-file: cannot open input file:
"C:\Program Files\PLT\collects\web-server\default-web-root\.\servlets\standalone.ss"
(The system cannot find the file specified.; errno=2)"
When I tried pointing the browser to the file containing the code you
sent, I got: "Servlet didn't load. dynamic-require: name is not
provided: interface-version by module: |,c:\program
Where does the 'standalone.ss' filename come from? Shouldn't the
browser be going to
"http://localhost:8000/servlets/servlet-env-test.scm" instead?
What am I doing wrong?
Any help is appreciated.
When I execute the code you
On 3/26/07, Jay McCarthy <jay.mccarthy at gmail.com> wrote:
> I'm not sure about the paper, but the basic thing that those modules
> do is run the web-server embedded in DrScheme. You can still do that
> with the following code:
> --- Copied from another message ----
> One thing you can do to run the web-server from within DrScheme is to
> use the (lib "servlet-env.ss" "web-server" "tools") library. Here's an
> example:
> (module servlet-env-test mzscheme
> (require (lib "servlet-env.ss" "web-server" "tools"))
> ; request-number : str -> num
> (define (request-number which-number)
> (string->number
> (extract-binding/single
> 'number
> (request-bindings (send/suspend (build-request-page which-number))))))
> ; build-request-page : str -> str -> response
> (define (build-request-page which-number)
> (lambda (k-url)
> `(html (head (title "Enter a Number to Add"))
> (body ([bgcolor "white"])
> (form ([action ,k-url] [method "post"])
> "Enter the " ,which-number " number to add: "
> (input ([type "text"] [name "number"] [value ""]))
> (input ([type "submit"] [name "enter"] [value
> "Enter"])))))))
> #;(on-web
> `(html (head (title "Sum"))
> (body ([bgcolor "white"])
> (p "The sum is "
> ,(number->string (+ (request-number "first")
> (request-number "second")))))))
> (on-web (+ (request-number "first") (request-number "second"))))
> When you use the `on-web' function, a temporary server is run from
> DrScheme on port 8080 and a browser window is opened to a temporary
> servlet. This should help you test servlets from DrS.
> On 3/25/07, Ethan Herdrick <info at reatlas.com> wrote:
> > Hi
> >
> > I've got a question about Matthias' remarkable 2002 paper, "Developing
> > Interactive Web Programs" (here:
> > http://www.ccs.neu.edu/scheme/pubs/afp2002-f.ps).
> >
> > Does any of the code described in the paper work anymore? I notice it
> > can be found in PLT/collects/htdp/servlet2.ss but it doesn't seem to
> > work. Has it been superseded by servlet.ss? Most of the (names of)
> > functions defined in htdp/servlets2.ss seem to be there. (There's no
> > "inform" function in servlet.ss, though.)
> >
> > Thanks in advance.
> >
> > -Ethan
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> > For list-related administrative tasks:
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> --
> Jay McCarthy <jay.mccarthy at gmail.com>
> http://jay.teammccarthy.org