[plt-scheme] define-syntax help

From: support at taxupdate.com (support at taxupdate.com)
Date: Fri Mar 23 13:38:59 EDT 2007

Thanks for the detailed and very helpful reply!

On Fri, Mar 23, 2007 at 03:21:16PM -0500, Jacob Matthews wrote:
> On 3/23/07, support at taxupdate.com <support at taxupdate.com> wrote:
> >I started to look at the docs on this, and it seems I'd have to convert any
> >syntax which uses this to functions, right?  Unless the parameterization 
> >would
> >be available during syntax expansion?
> There are two things you can do --- either use regular parameters,
> which are available only at runtime, or syntax parameters, which are
> available at syntax expansion time. Here's an implementation of the
> constructs from your original question that uses regular parameters:
> (module implicit-object-dynamic mzscheme
>  (provide lookup register)
>  (define *field-hash* (make-hash-table))
>  (define lookup-context (make-parameter #f))
>  ;; syntaxes->field-symbol : syntax[id] syntax[id] -> symbol
>  ;; given symbols 'a and 'b, produces 'a.b
>  (define (symbols->field-symbol o f)
>    (string->symbol (format "~a.~a" o f)))
>  (define-syntax (lookup stx)
>    (syntax-case stx ()
>      [(_ field)
>       (syntax/loc stx (lookup/internal (lookup-context) 'field))]
>      [(_ obj field)
>       (syntax/loc stx (lookup/internal 'obj 'field))]))
>  (define (lookup/internal obj field)
>    (unless obj
>      (error 'lookup "cannot use lookup shorthand outside the dynamic
> context of a register statement"))
>    (hash-table-get *field-hash* (symbols->field-symbol obj field)))
>  (define-syntax (register stx)
>    (syntax-case stx ()
>      [(_ field expr obj)
>       (syntax/loc stx
>         (hash-table-put! *field-hash*
>          (symbols->field-symbol 'obj 'field)
>          (parameterize ([lookup-context 'obj]) expr)))])))
> Using this module, if you run
> (begin
>      (register test 2 main)
>      (register value 7 other)
>      (let* ([v1 (lookup main test)]
>             [v2 (lookup other value)]
>             [v3 (begin
>                   (register amount (* 2 (lookup value)) other)
>                   (lookup other amount))])
>        (list v1 v2 v3))))
> you get (2 7 14) as desired. The way it works is that register expands
> to an expression that dynamically binds (in the sense of Lisp dynamic
> binding) the parameter lookup-context to the name of the object being
> updated during evaluation of the expression that will result in a new
> value.  The implicit lookup syntax just expands to a plain function
> that just checks that dynamic variable and uses its result.
> There are other consequences of using dynamic variables, though, that
> you might find undesirable. If you define a function
> (define (myfun) (lookup somefield))
> calls to myfun will succeed if they're made in the context of a
> register statement and fail otherwise:
> (register somefield 8 bar)
> (register foo (myfun) bar) ;; succeeds
> (myfun) ;; fails
> Also, (lookup x) is never a syntax error:
> (if (some-condition)
>    (lookup obj current-value)
>    (* (lookup current-value) 2))  ;; oops, we forgot obj, but it's
> not caught until runtime
> Maybe this is what you want. If, on the other hand, the intention is
> to make (lookup x) syntactically illegal except in the lexical context
> of a register expression, then we can do that too. The trick is to
> move the parameter so that instead of being active at runtime, it's
> active at macro-expansion time, using what are called
> syntax-parameters available from (lib "stxparam.ss"):
> (module implicit-object-static mzscheme
>  (require (lib "stxparam.ss"))
>  (require-for-syntax (lib "stxparam.ss"))
>  (provide lookup register)
>  (define *field-hash* (make-hash-table))
>  (define-syntax-parameter lookup-context #f)
>  ;; syntaxes->field-symbol : syntax[id] syntax[id] -> symbol
>  ;; given identifiers a and b, produces 'a.b
>  (define-for-syntax (syntaxes->field-symbol o f)
>    (string->symbol (format "~a.~a" (syntax-object->datum o)
> (syntax-object->datum f))))
>  (define-syntax (lookup stx)
>    (syntax-case stx ()
>      [(_ field)
>       (unless (syntax-parameter-value #'lookup-context)
>         (raise-syntax-error #f "cannot use lookup shorthand outside
> the lexical context of a register statement" stx))
>       (with-syntax ([implicit-object-name (syntax-parameter-value
> #'lookup-context)])
>         (syntax/loc stx (lookup implicit-object-name field)))]
>      [(_ obj field)
>       (with-syntax ([object-symbol (syntaxes->field-symbol #'obj #'field)])
>         (syntax/loc stx (hash-table-get *field-hash* 'object-symbol)))]))
>  (define-syntax (register stx)
>    (syntax-case stx ()
>      [(_ field expr obj)
>       (with-syntax ([object-symbol (syntaxes->field-symbol #'obj #'field)])
>          (syntax/loc stx
>            (syntax-parameterize ((lookup-context #'obj))
>              (hash-table-put! *field-hash* 'object-symbol expr))))])))
> In this version, lookup-context is a parameter that only exists at
> compile-time, not at runtime. At compile time, register does the same
> parameterization, binding lookup-context to the name of the object
> currently being registered, but now, rather than being bound during
> the _evaluation_ of register's expression it's being bound during the
> _expansion_ of that expression. The consequence of this is that
> lookups that don't specify an object must be syntactically nested
> inside   registers, or they will be syntax errors. So myfun, defined
> above, is no longer syntactically legal, and the if statement will be
> a statically-detected syntax error, but the working example will still
> produce (2 7 14) as we wanted originally.
> -jacob

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