[plt-scheme] issues using planet, digest.plt, crypto.plt

From: Jens Axel Søgaard (jensaxel at soegaard.net)
Date: Fri Mar 23 01:59:27 EDT 2007

Hi Yin-So

> I am attempting to use digest.plt & crypto.plt through planet and 
> encountered some issues (p.s. I don't know if there is another forum for 
> these types of issues - let me know if that's the case, thanks), I am 
> using PLT 360 on Windows XP SP2.
>  > (require (planet "digest.ss" ("soegaard" "digest.plt" 1 2))) ; 
> doesn't work
> require: PLaneT could not find the requested package: Server had no 
> matching package: No package matched the specified criteria in: (planet 
> " digest.ss" ("soegaard" "digest.plt" 1 2))
>  > (require (planet "digest.ss" ("soegaard" "digest.plt"))) ; works
>  > (require (planet "crypto.ss" ("vyzo" " crypto.plt" 1 0))) ; missing 
> definition
> . C:\...\planet\300\360\cache\vyzo\crypto.plt\1\0\digest.ss:75:26: 
> expand: unbound variable in module in: ptr-add
>  >

As others say, ptr-add was introduced in 369.8, which can be
downloaded here:


But, I thought there'd be a better error message.

The info.ss file includes required-core-version,
but perphaps I got the syntax wrong?

   (module info (lib "infotab.ss" "setup")
     (define name "Digest")
     (define blurb
       (list "Message digest algorithms (md5, sha1, ...) from libcrypto.
              Incremental calculation supported."))
     (define primary-file "digest.ss")
     (define doc.txt "doc.txt")
     (define categories '(datastructures))
     (define version "1.2")
     (define required-core-version "369.8"))

Jens Axel Søgaard

Posted on the users mailing list.