[plt-scheme] Macro Stepper problem

From: Ryan Culpepper (ryan_sml at yahoo.com)
Date: Sat Mar 3 12:53:17 EST 2007

Fixed in SVN. Thanks for the bug report!

For those using the nightly builds, the bug can mostly be avoided by
turning off the option "One term at a time" in the "Extra options"
menu. The next nightly build will include the bug fix.


--- jos koot <jos.koot at telefonica.net> wrote:

> Ho
> The Macro Stepper of DrScheme, version 369.8-svn2mar2007 [3m]
> produces the following error:
> procedure insert-syntax/redex method in macro-stepper-widget%:
> expects 5 arguments, given 4:
> #2(struct:object:macro-stepper-widget% ...) #<syntax:1:0>
> (#<syntax:1:0>) (#<syntax:1:1>)
>  === context ===
> c:\program
> files\plt-full-369.8\collects\macro-debugger\view\gui.ss:513:10:
> update:show-prestep method in macro-stepper-widget%
> c:\program
> files\plt-full-369.8\collects\macro-debugger\view\gui.ss:564:10:
> update method in macro-stepper-widget%
> etc.
> Looking into gui.ss it seems to me that procedure
> insert-syntax/redex is called from a number of lines with
> inconsistent numbers of arguments.
> Best wishes, Jos Koot
> (((((lambda(x)((((((((x x)x)x)x)x)x)x)x))
>     (lambda(x)(lambda(y)(x(x y)))))
>    (lambda(x)(x)x))
>   (lambda()(printf "Greetings, Jos~n"))))>
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>   http://list.cs.brown.edu/mailman/listinfo/plt-scheme

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