[plt-scheme] plt web-server: adjust-timeout! ? BIRDBRAIN!

From: Hans Oesterholt-Dijkema (hdnews at gawab.com)
Date: Fri Jun 29 06:54:53 EDT 2007

If I adjust the timeout value to 35, I see following:

add-timer: ID=1 30000
revise-timer!: ID=1 30000
revise-timer!: ID=1 86400000
add-timer: ID=2 86400000
revise-timer!: ID=2 172800000.0
revise-timer!: ID=2 172800000.0
add-timer: ID=3 30000
adjust-timeout! 1 35
revise-timer!: ID=3 259200000.0
*revise-timer!: ID=3 35000
ALARM: id=3
add-timer: ID=4 0
ALARM: id=4
ALARM: id=3*

It follows, that revise-timer adds an other alarm event.
I think the expire-seconds part of the timer struct should
be checked for expire before removing the continuation(?)
from the hash table.

Am I missing something else?


Matt Jadud schreef:
> I usually find that I answer most of my questions after asking them on
> the list. It's good to see others using the list for the same
> purpose... asking a question, answering it themselves, and then having
> the same forehead-slapping revelations that I do... :D
> Cheers,
> M
> On 6/29/07, Hans Oesterholt-Dijkema <hdnews at gawab.com> wrote:
>>  I'm such a birdbrain,
>>  adjust-timeout! has to be in the function given to send/supend of 
>> course!
>>  Thanks anyway!
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