[plt-scheme] Strange problems with compilation
I'm having the following bizarre problem with the compilation of Typed
Scheme. When, in DrScheme, I try to run a module that uses Typed
Scheme like so:
(module foo "typed-scheme.ss")
I get the following error:
compile: variable not provided (directly or indirectly and at the
expected position) from module:
|,/home/samth/work/typed-scheme/private/typechecker-unit| in: u.1
This usually means that the zo file for typechecker-unit.ss is out of
date. But when I rebuild the zo files for that file, it never gets up
to date. I can rerun mzc -k on the file as many times as I want, and
it always recompiles it, and the error never goes away.
If I remove all the compiled code, I get this error instead:
private/typechecker-unit.ss::15201: map: expects type <procedure> as
1st argument, given: #<struct-type:def-stx-binding>; other arguments
were: ()
The error points to a place in the source where map is applied to
something that's definitely a procedure.
If I require the file from the MzScheme repl, it works, regardless of
the state of the zos.
I'm very puzzled. Does anyone have any ideas?
sam th
samth at ccs.neu.edu