[plt-scheme] Using eval in modules
Thanks for your answers,
Actually, what I am trying to do is quite simple : at some point in my
program, I get different messages (strings). I am trying to call the
appropriate function depending on the message I received.
Of course I could dispatch the messages using cond - calling the right
function for each message. But I thought it would look nicer using a
function :
(define (dispatch-message message)
((let-values (((sender command args) (parse-message message)))
(let ((function (string->symbol
(string-append "answer-"
(string-downcase command) "-command"))))
((eval function) sender command args)))))))
Of course, using the hash-table approach is similar to the cond approach.
Such a function could be unsafe, but I could test the message with member
before calling eval, in order to be sure that the handling function exists.
>From what you all said, I understand that it is impossible. Too bad. I guess
I'll have to choose the cond/hashtable approach or to avoid modules :)
Well, if you have other ideas...
On 6/23/07, Danny Yoo <dyoo at cs.wpi.edu> wrote:
> On Sat, 23 Jun 2007, Jean-Pierre Lozi wrote:
> > This works because you are calling (eval-string-with-1 "abc") from
> > outside the module - but it doesn't when the function is called from the
> > inside the module. For instance :
> >
> > (module foo mzscheme
> > (define (abc x)
> > (display "foo")
> > (newline))
> >
> > (define (eval-string-with-1 string)
> > ((eval (string->symbol string)) 1))
> >
> > (eval-string-with-1 "abc")
> >
> > (provide eval-string-with-1
> > abc))
> >
> > (require foo)
> >
> > Doesn't work. And that's what I need to do :/
> Hello Jean-Pierre Lozi,
> Question: do you really need the full power of eval? What are you really
> trying to do?
> If you're trying to expose a few functions to the outside world for
> dynamic dispatch, then rather than eval, then would a simpler dispatch
> table approach work for you?
> Here's what it might look like:
> ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;
> (module foo mzscheme
> (require (lib "etc.ss"))
> (define (abc x)
> (display "foo")
> (newline))
> (define registered-handlers (hash-table 'equal
> ("abc" abc)))
> (define (eval-string-with-1 string)
> ((hash-table-get registered-handlers string) 1)))
> ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;
> This requires no eval trickiness, and is much safer in terms of limiting
> what kind of mischief the caller can do. If the user tries to eval
> something that's not in the dispatch table, we can reliably catch that
> kind of thing.
> In contrast, the eval approach exposes the full power of the language,
> including all the primitives, so in your original approach, stuff like:
> (eval-string-with-1 "exit")
> will kill the runtime.
Jean-Pierre Lozi
mailto:jean-pierre at lozi.org
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