[plt-scheme] Project Euler #4 solution refactor?
Here is how I would approach this
(require (lib "40.ss" "srfi"))
(require (lib "13.ss" "srfi"))
(define (stream-list-merge s1 s2 pred)
(cond ((stream-null? s1) s2)
((stream-null? s2) s1)
(let ((s1car (stream-car s1))
(s2car (stream-car s2)))
(cond ((pred s1car s2car)
(stream-cons s1car (stream-list-merge (stream-cdr s1) s2
((pred s2car s1car)
(stream-cons s2car (stream-list-merge s1 (stream-cdr s2)
(stream-cons s1car
(stream-list-merge (stream-cdr s1)
(stream-cdr s2)
(define (join-series s1 s2 f order)
(let ((e1 (stream-car s1))
(e2 (stream-car s2)))
(stream-cons (f e1 e2)
(stream-map (lambda (e) (f e e2)) (stream-cdr s1))
(join-series s1 (stream-cdr s2) f order)
(define (stream-down-from n)
(if (zero? n) stream-null
(stream-cons n (stream-down-from (- n 1)))))
(define (palindrome? n)
(let ((s (number->string n)))
(string=? s (string-reverse s))))
(stream-car (stream-filter palindrome? (join-series (stream-down-from 999)
(stream-down-from 999) * >)))
Which looks overly complicated, but join-series and stream-list-merge are
tools that I had written for other projects.
All of which leads me to ask two questions. Can someone help me to
understand why I need the stream-delay in join-series? I would have thought
that stream-cons delayed its second argument.
Also, does anyone what happened to the quasi-proposed srfi-41?
On 6/17/07, Jens Axel Søgaard <jensaxel at soegaard.net> wrote:
> Grant Rettke wrote:
> > It works, and it makes sense, but it is sort of tricky/ugly to read in
> > that it logically has an inner and outer loop.
> >
> > (define psum
> > (λ ()
> > (let ([top 999] [bot 1])
> > (let loop ([x top] [y top] [max 0])
> > (let* ([prod (* x y)]
> > [str (number->string prod)]
> > [ispal (string=? str (srfi13:string-reverse str))]
> > [newmax (if (and ispal (> prod max)) prod max)])
> > (cond [(> newmax (* x x)) newmax]
> > [(= x y bot) newmax]
> > [(> y bot) (loop x (sub1 y) newmax)]
> > [else (loop (sub1 x) top newmax)]))))))
> One way is to nest two named loops, and copy the max value from
> the outer loop to the inner loop:
> (define (psum)
> (let ([top 999] [bot 1])
> (let loopx ([x top] [max 0])
> (if (= x bot) max
> (loopx (- x 1)
> (let loopy ([y x] [max max])
> (if (= y bot) max
> (let* ([prod (* x y)]
> [str (number->string prod)]
> [ispal (string=? str
> (srfi13:string-reverse str))]
> [newmax (if (and ispal (> prod max))
> prod max)])
> (loopy (- y 1) newmax)))))))))
> But, erm, I think your version is prettier.
> You might want to look at either (lib "for.ss") or srfi-42.
> With srfi-42 it becomes:
> (require (lib "42.ss" "srfi"))
> (define (palindromic? s)
> (equal? (string->list s)
> (reverse (string->list s))))
> (max-ec (: x 999 99 -1) ; loop from 999 to 100 with step -1
> (: y x 99 -1) ; loop from x ti 100 with step -1
> (if (palindromic? (number->string (* x y))))
> (* x y))
> --
> Jens Axel Søgaard
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