Re: [plt-scheme] “Multi-threaded” Scheme…

From: Robby Findler (robby at
Date: Wed Jun 13 14:26:51 EDT 2007

PLT Scheme supports CML-like primitives (search for sync in Help Desk
or check out the paper by me and Matthew called kill-safety), but that
doesn't help with multiprocessors. It is designed to be a programming
tool that makes programs easier to write (yes, programming with
threads, when done right, makes it easier to program, not harder...)


On 6/13/07, Grant Rettke <grettke at> wrote:
> Seemingly thanks to Erlang there is a lot of hype about programming
> languages that make multi-threaded programming "easy". Not to let ACM
> off the hook either for their frequent FUD blasts regarding the
> imminent failure of the IT world if it can't make multi-threaded
> programming easy. Whatever the case, it seems like there are a number
> of interesting topics and opportunities regarding this topic.
> Thinking about Scheme, and how to write multi-threaded code, is there
> a simple approach, for example, that one could take by writing a
> program that forked off different units of work to new Scheme machines
> and waited for all of their results?
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