[plt-scheme] documentation guidelines & tools
You might want to search for doc.txt in help desk; that'll answer some
of your questions.
On 6/7/07, YC <yinso.chen at gmail.com> wrote:
> Hi all -
> I have a few questions regarding creating documentations for libraries...
> thanks for any input ;)
> 1) Is there a standard guideline on how to do documentations/comments?
> 2) Most libs have doc.txt - is there a standard template for doc.txt and
> explanations for its format?
> 3) Any Scheme philosophy on inline documentations in the code (i.e. for or
> against) - It seems that Scheme doesn't have docstrings, does this mean it's
> not actively encouraged as a style?
> 4) Any tools for generating doc.txt from inline documentations?
> Thanks,
> yinso
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