[plt-scheme] srfi 0 or conditonal expansion
Thanks Chongkai for the suggestion.
Looking at the doc it can only do conditional expansion based on
availability of srfi-x, so I would probably have to try to hack my own
solution based on the design.
On the other hand, I seem to either have a misunderstanding of the SRFI or
come across a bug (I would assume the former is more likely... ;P):
(require (lib "7.ss" "srfi"))
(program (requires srfi-9)
(else (define y 6)))) ; should unconditionally provide the feature
y ; expects 6
; but results in error:
; program: bad syntax in: (program (define y 6))
Looking at program.ss it shows the following syntax-case:
(feature-cond (else stuff ...))
more ...)
stuff ...
more ...)))
Shouldn't this be expanded to
stuff ...
(program more ...)))
On 6/5/07, Chongkai Zhu <czhu at cs.utah.edu> wrote:
> According to http://srfi.schemers.org/srfi-implementers.html, PLT doesn't
> support SRFI 0. You can try SRFI 7 instead.
> Chongkai
> ----- Original Message -----
> From: YC
> To: PLT Scheme Mailing List
> Sent: Tuesday, June 05, 2007 4:56 PM
> Subject: [plt-scheme] srfi 0 or conditonal expansion
> Hi all -
> quick question:
> it seems like SRFI 0 is not part of the distro, so what is the correct way
> to do conditional expansion based on defined/available feature, or is it
> frowned upon?
> Thanks,
> yinso
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