[plt-scheme] Fun with paren-shape

From: Robby Findler (robby at cs.uchicago.edu)
Date: Tue Jun 5 10:40:00 EDT 2007

Did you consider using utf-8? You can write something like this:

 [ n ∈ nat : (< n 10) ]

where "nat" and maybe a few other things are builtins or from some
extensible generator set. Indeed, you could probably use the usual
natural number sign.

Also, I think you should use {} instead of []. Not only is it more
traditional, but {} is rarely used (at least in my code :).

BTW, this seems much more robust than the vector notation (which,
iiuc, won't work at the top-level, or in the test of an if, etc)


On 6/5/07, Jens Axel Søgaard <jensaxel at soegaard.net> wrote:
>  > [(+ n 3) : n is (< n 10) (even? n)]
> (3 5 7 9 11)
>  > [(+ n 3) : n is (< n 10)]
> (3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12)
>  > [(* n n) : n is (< n 10) (odd? n)]
> (1 9 25 49 81)
> Is there a better keyword than "is"?
> /Jens Axel
> (module index mzscheme
>    (provide (rename my-app #%app))
>    (require-for-syntax (lib "stx.ss" "syntax"))
>    (define (interval n m)
>      (cond
>        [(>= n m) '()]
>        [(< n m) (cons n (interval (+ n 1) m))]))
>    (define-syntax (my-app stx)
>      (define (bracket-shaped? stx)
>        (equal? (syntax-property stx 'paren-shape) #\[))
>      (define (brackets? parens)
>        (syntax-case parens ()
>          [(x) (bracket-shaped? parens)]
>          [_ #f]))
>      (define (range? stx)
>        (syntax-case* stx (..) module-or-top-identifier=?
>          [(a .. b) (bracket-shaped? stx)]
>          [_        #f]))
>      (define (handle-brackets exprs)
>        ; vector brackets
>        (let loop ([exprs      exprs]
>                   [prev-exprs '()])
>          (cond
>            [(null? exprs)
>             (reverse prev-exprs)]
>            [(null? (cdr exprs))
>             (loop (cdr exprs) (cons (car exprs) prev-exprs))]
>            [(not (brackets? (cadr exprs)))
>             (loop (cdr exprs) (cons (car exprs) prev-exprs))]
>            [else
>             (loop (cddr exprs)
>                   (cons (quasisyntax/loc (cadr exprs)
>                           (vector-ref #,(car exprs) #,@(cadr exprs)))
>                         prev-exprs))])))
>      (define (handle-ranges exprs)
>        (let loop ([exprs      exprs]
>                   [prev-exprs '()])
>          (cond
>            [(null? exprs)
>             (reverse prev-exprs)]
>            [(not (range? (car exprs)))
>             (loop (cdr exprs) (cons (car exprs) prev-exprs))]
>            [else
>             (with-syntax ([[from .. to] (car exprs)])
>               (loop (cdr exprs)
>                     (cons (syntax/loc (car exprs)
>                             (interval from to))
>                           prev-exprs)))])))
>      (syntax-case* stx (.. : is) module-or-top-identifier=?
>        [(_ a .. b)
>         (bracket-shaped? stx)
>         (quasisyntax/loc stx
>           (interval a b))]
>        [(_ expr : n is while-pred-expr)
>         (bracket-shaped? stx)
>         (quasisyntax/loc stx
>           (let loop ([n 0])
>             (if while-pred-expr
>                 (cons expr (loop (+ n 1)))
>                 '())))]
>        [(_ expr : n is while-pred-expr filter-expr)
>         (bracket-shaped? stx)
>         (quasisyntax/loc stx
>           (let loop ([n 0])
>             (if while-pred-expr
>                 (if filter-expr
>                     (cons expr (loop (+ n 1)))
>                     (loop (+ n 1)))
>                 '())))]
>        [(_ n : while-pred-expr)
>         (bracket-shaped? stx)
>         (quasisyntax/loc stx
>           (let loop ([n 0])
>             (if while-pred-expr
>                 (cons n (loop (+ n 1)))
>                 '())))]
>        [(_ n : while-pred-expr filter-expr)
>         (bracket-shaped? stx)
>         (quasisyntax/loc stx
>           (let loop ([n 0])
>             (if while-pred-expr
>                 (if filter-expr
>                     (cons n (loop (+ n 1)))
>                     (loop (+ n 1)))
>                 '())))]
>        [(_ expr . more )
>         (or (ormap brackets? (cddr (syntax->list stx)))
>             (ormap range?    (cdr (syntax->list stx))))
>         (with-syntax ([(expr ...)
>                        (handle-ranges
>                         (handle-brackets
>                          (cdr (syntax->list stx))))])
>           (quasisyntax/loc stx
>             (#%app expr ...)))]
>        [(_ . more)
>         (syntax/loc stx
>           (#%app . more))])))
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