[plt-scheme] Re: Help: I want to travel a binary tree?
Zeng, you have given us TWO examples now instead of ONE. I can still
write a function in two lines that does it all:
(define (travel tree)
(if (equal? tree '((4 2 5) 1 (6 3 7)))
'(1 2 3 4 5 6 7)
'(... see previous email ...)))
If you define the collection of all POSSIBLE trees that you might
throw at my function, I think I can help you more easily.
On Jul 31, 2007, at 11:16 AM, Zeng Fucen wrote:
> I'm wrong!!!
> That's a binary tree,,,should be defined like this:((4 2 5) 1 (6 3 7))
> 1
> |
> ---------------------
> 2 3
> | |
> ------------ ------------
> 4 5 6 7
> I want result of the traversal is : 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 ,,, how to?
> On 7月31日, 下午10时56分, "Hans Oesterholt-Dijkema" <hdn... at gawab.com>
> wrote:
>> Why don't you define a tree like this
>> (1 (2 (4 () ()) (5 () ())) (3 (6 () ()) (7 () ()))
>> ?
>> --Hans
>> Op 31/7/2007 schreef "Zeng Fucen" <zengfu... at gmail.com>:
>>> I'm a scheme novice,
>>> I want to travel a binary tree, how to ? (depth first)
>>> Thanks for your tips , first!
>>> I define a tree like this: (1 (2 4 5) (3 6 7))
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