[plt-scheme] Re: Using LibFFI along with threads

From: Hans Oesterholt-Dijkema (hdnews at gawab.com)
Date: Tue Jul 17 16:39:26 EDT 2007

Dear Eli,

Thanks for your elaborate reply. I must admit that you are right on a lot
of points. There's one advantage of having the "non blocking"
ffi call, and that is: one keeps access to the returned C results,
without having to serialize the results over a pipe.

That said. The current mzscheme source distribution depends
already on threads afaik (have a look in the gc subdir?).

Best wishes,


Eli Barzilay schreef:
> On Jul 17, Hans Oesterholt-Dijkema wrote:
>> I'm sorry. It may be a matter of taste, but I don't like this
>> solution.
>> Also, starting a starting and synchronizing a thread is usually way
>> faster than starting a subprocess. Kernels typically have special
>> logic to support threads these days.
> First of all, I have to say that I'm *very* aware of costs...  It will
> be hard to find me write code that spends CPU cycles where they can be
> avoided.  But of course there are factors that can be worth the CPU
> cycles -- if it makes it easier to develop, extend, and maintain.
> (And there are plenty of these in PLT.)
> In this specific case, when I consider all the factors (those that I'm
> aware of, obviously), I see an overwhelming advantage for the solution
> I suggested:
> * First of all: it's all Scheme code.  This is a major benefit in
>   almost every aspect.
> * It's portable across all platforms.  No need to deal with various
>   Linux thread packages, which is probably worse when dealing with
>   cases like BSD or Solaris.
> * It's easy to deal with state.  For example, you need to authenticate
>   to the DB, run a query, then disconnect -- you can do all that in a
>   single such sub-process.  No complications.
> * Another example: take Noel's suggestion of letting the user control
>   thread allocation and thread use -- with the Scheme code it's all
>   very easy to achieve.  It's also easy to keep a subprocess on hold
>   after it's done, and re-use it next time you need an async
>   operation.  My guess is that doing all that in C will be much more
>   painful.  BTW, I looked at your code -- and it looks like you're
>   starting a new thread for each async call, so if you have several of
>   these, then it's likely to be more expensive than starting a single
>   subprocess.
> * It's a pretty simple interface, compared to everything that you can
>   do with threads.  (Related disadvantage: you cannot do everything
>   that you can do with threads.)
> * The only major disadvantage that I can think of is the cost of
>   starting a process (which in this case includes the cost of booting
>   mzscheme).  But:
>   - if you keep such subprocess alive, then you don't pay that cost
>     for every async use
>   - you say that the operation is heavy enough that you don't want the
>     GUI to be frozen while it is done -- and I think if this is the
>     case then you have much higher costs for the DB operation itself,
>     so the subprocess would not be a significant (or even noticeable)
>     contribution.
> * (BTW: On sane OSs, forking a process is almost as cheap as running a
>   thread -- and that's pretty close to the external process approach.)
> I do think that there is a value in making async calls that use
> threads.  But I'm not convince that this is the case with the problem
> you describe.
>> Did you have a look at the spike I sent to the list? It missed the
>> code in c-threads.c, but that can be found in the sqld-psql-c.plt
>> package.
> I skimmed through it.  IIUC, it is better done as a flag for the
> actual call-out, and the interface from Scheme is basically the same
> except that Scheme threads will continue to run as usual.  So instead
> of a callback or a sync event you just do the foreign code in a Scheme
> thread.  This sounds (again, IIUC) like a good approach.  The first
> thing to do is to be very sure that your `c-threads' code works fine
> (and behaves the same) on all platforms.
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