[plt-scheme] [Scheme Steering Committee announcements] Important: Schedule for Registration and Voting on R6RS

From: Mitchell Wand (wand at ccs.neu.edu)
Date: Mon Jul 9 11:28:29 EDT 2007

Voter registration started at 23:00 GMT on May 16.

The Editors announced a draft for ratification at 20:00 GMT on July 1.

So here is the rest of the schedule:

   1. Voter registration ends: 20:00 GMT on July 15.
   2. Voting starts: July 29.
   3. Voting ends: August 12.
   4. Official results announced: August 26.

Your opinion counts!  Please share your thoughts on ratification with the
community .We recommend using the r6rs-discuss mailing list for this

Remember to register and vote!

--Alan, Guy, and Mitch
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