[plt-scheme] Cost of string creation? / Euler 8 code review
Hi folks,
I wrote a solution for project Euler #8:
My solution involves what I would imagine to be a decent amount of
string creation: 5000 strings. Usually string creation makes programs
slow but this doesn't run slowly at all, it runs very fast, faster
than a lot of the other solutions posted.
The creation is like this:
1. get a substring of a string
2. convert it to a list of chars
3. convert each char to a string
3. convert each string to a number
Why isn't this an expensive operation?
Here is my solution if that helps or if you would be kind enough to
code review this:
$LastChangedDate: 2007-07-02 20:22:48 -0500 (Mon, 02 Jul 2007) $
$LastChangedRevision: 271 $
$HeadURL: svn://osiris/project_euler/trunk/euler8.ss $
(module euler8 mzscheme
(provide (all-defined))
(require (prefix ri13: (lib "13.ss" "srfi")))
(define the-number
;! Get the greatest product of consecutive digits in a number
; string -> int -> int
; .example (grtprod "1234" 2) -> 12
; .pre-condition length of str >= the consecutive digit number
; .parameter str string: The value being checked
; .parameter dgts int: The number of consecutive digits to analyze
; .post-condition none
; .returns int:
(define greatprod1
(λ (str digits)
(let* ([len (string-length str)]
[stop (add1 (- len digits))])
(let loop ([start 0] [end digits] [found 0])
(if (= start stop) found
(let* ([candidate (apply * (map string->number (map
string (ri13:string-fold cons '() (ri13:substring/shared str start
[next-start (add1 start)]
[next-end (+ next-start digits)])
(if (> candidate found) candidate found)))))))))