[plt-scheme] SQLite
On Jan 30, 2007, at 4:37 AM, Hans Oesterholt-Dijkema wrote:
> There must be something like ldconfig (like linux uses)
> for MacOS X. Otherwise, the OS itself would have to hardwire
> stuff and if I remember well, MacOSX is a derivative of
> (free)bsd?
MacOSX is NOT a derivative of freeBSD. OSX is built on top of
the Mach Microkernel, which allows "compatibility layers" to be
created on top of it. Therefore, OSX provides a FreeBSD
"compatibility layer" on top of the Mach Microkernel to take advantage
of POSIX standards.
This however does not always translate into correct results. For
take a look at Amit Singh's challenge from 2005:
http://www.kernelthread.com/mac/challenge/result/ where it's discovered
that a kernel panic can occur by creating a mach_task which then creates
a new thread. However since the call wasn't created by exec() or fork
() an
important field is not set that tries to be referenced. It wasn't set
it can't be set because mach doesn't know how or why a layer above it
needs something like this set. It doesn't care, but "FreeBSD" of course
Andrew Gwozdziewycz
apgwoz at gmail.com
http://and.rovir.us | http://www.photub.com
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