[plt-scheme] windows aborts Drscheme

From: jos koot (jos.koot at telefonica.net)
Date: Sun Jan 21 10:35:36 EST 2007

Hi Matthew,
Thanks. You are fast.
((((lambda(x)((((((x x)x)x)x)x)x))
   (lambda(x)(lambda(y)(x(x y)))))
  (lambda(x)(write x)x))
 "greetings, Jos")

----- Original Message ----- 
From: "Matthew Flatt" <mflatt at cs.utah.edu>
To: "jos koot" <jos.koot at telefonica.net>
Cc: "PLT-list" <plt-scheme at list.cs.brown.edu>
Sent: Sunday, January 21, 2007 4:30 AM
Subject: Re: [plt-scheme] windows aborts Drscheme

> At Sat, 20 Jan 2007 23:48:21 +0100, "jos koot" wrote:
>> I'll send you my program in a seperate mail, for it wont be accepted by 
>> the
>> PLT discussion list. It's too big.
>> My program (in fact a sequence of about 16 test programs) does not crash
>> when I open the main scm file in a clean system and press the run button
>> without editing anything and without other applications running. 50 times
>> out of 100 the program, which takes about 200 seconds, crashes when I
>> meanwhile open internet explorer and outlook express just to abide my 
>> time
>> waiting for the program to finish. Today I runned the program about 20 
>> times
>> and I estimate it crashed (or windows made it crash) more than 10 times.
> Thanks!
> By following your directions, I was able to find and fix a
> Windows-specific, 3m-specific bug. The problem was that code running in
> a Windows-level thread (other than the main thread) was trying to
> cooperate with the 3m GC, even though it doesn't use GCable memory. The
> fix was simple: disable 3m instrumentation for the relevant code.
> This bug didn't have anything to do with your program, but your program
> does stress the system in the right way to expose the bug. The bug does
> have to do with running other programs, because the relevant thread is
> attached to a hidden window that listens for events. So, I think the
> next build is likely to work better for you.
> Matthew

Posted on the users mailing list.