[plt-scheme] Re: [plt-edu] FELLOW Herr Uni-Prof. Dr. Matthias Felleisen
On Jan 20, 2007, at 5:45 AM, Shriram Krishnamurthi wrote:
> It is difficult to know why his contributions as an educator were not
> mentioned in the citation, but at least it gives him something to
> gripe about (-:.
> Indeed, verily like knowing a movie star (or rock star).
> Shriram
Could they be waiting for suitable artwork by Duane Bibby?
Indeed, I've found the "Little Schemer" series invaluable, but also
various articles I've found through readscheme an elsewhere, and
let's not forget the answers and guidance he has provided all of us
right here on the mailing list.
Gregory Woodhouse
gregory.woodhouse at sbcglobal.net
"The art of asking the right questions in mathematics is more
important than the art of solving them."
--Georg Cantor
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