[plt-scheme] a couple of questions
I'm trying to write an evaluator in the style of SICP that I hope
will be at least somewhat idiomatic. What I have looks like this
;some global definitions (never modified)
(define evaluator-name "Strict Evaluator")
(define evaluator-version "0.0.1")
(define main-prompt ">>")
(define exit-message "Goodbye!")
(define (eval-strict exp env) (raise-user-error 'oops))
(define (run)
((env '())
(input-val (void)))
(printf "~a (version ~a)~n" evaluator-name evaluator-version)
loop ()
((exn:fail:user? (lambda (exn) (printf "Error!~n") (loop))))
(printf "~a " main-prompt)
(set! input-val (read))
(if (not (eof-object? input-val))
(printf "~a~n~n" (eval-strict input-val env))
(printf "~a~n" exit-message))))))
That code makes me uncomfortable for a couple of reasons
1. I don't want to break out of the loop when evaluating an
expression like (/ 1 0) but instead report the error and then give
the user an opportunity to enter another expression, leaving the
environment intact. But, of course, I do want to break out of the
loop in case of a programming error on my part, so my handler for
exn:fail:user includes (loop) (where loop is the label in named let).
I've never encountered code like this, and I wonder if it's even
safe, much less idiomatic scheme.
2. The second question involves the environment, which I anticipate
storing as a list or perhaps a hash table. To me, it makes more
sense for the evaluator to return an updated environment as a value
than to have it modify a global value. But it also seems that this
style could involve a lot of unnecessary copying. A third alternative
I've considered is returning a list of updates that would then be
sent on to a global environment object before proceeding
(hmm...shadows of multithreaded scheme?) On the other hand, this
approach sounds complex. I guess my question is whether I'm missing
something obvious here. This all seems like it ought to be much more
Gregory Woodhouse
gregory.woodhouse at sbcglobal.net
"We may with advantage at times forget what we know."
--Publilius Cyrus, c. 100 B.C.
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