[plt-scheme] Announce: mzgtk2 release 2 version

From: Hans Oesterholt-Dijkema (hdnews at gawab.com)
Date: Sat Jan 6 14:58:13 EST 2007

> Have you tried using Eli's FFI in addition?
For SQLID, that would be an option for the drivers,
I think even a good option. For MzGtk2 *see your earlier
comments on integration*, the memory management and
thread support (I myself am not using continuations yet),
need C code to support them. I've looked at the FFI, but
I see problems coming up there.

MzGtk2 is doing quite a good job on the mem mgt already,
although, the OO system also does a part on that. See e.g.


*And*, I definitely would need SWIG support for the FFI.
The number of C header files and lines of code to parse for Gtk+
is just enormous. You don't want to do that by hand.


Posted on the users mailing list.