[plt-scheme] Announce: mzgtk2 release 2 version

From: Hans Oesterholt-Dijkema (hdnews at gawab.com)
Date: Sat Jan 6 14:48:45 EST 2007

> In general, we will need to find an even better way to integrate your 
> efforts into the overall project, that is, we need to combine 
> sourceforge with planet so that contributors have an easy time getting 
> things going and consumers have an easy time getting them onto their box.
I agree on that, I usually try to distribute packages using PLaneT,
however, SQLID was quite a pain, I'm not even trying mzgtk2.
I had a hard time enough to get it independend of the Gtk+ version
installed on the system. That I achieved, by altering the behaviour
of SWIG to load a function only when it's accessed. Gtk functions
that are not present in a earlier version of Gtk+ will generate an


> Thanks! -- Matthias

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