[plt-scheme] Beautify (auto-)generated HTML-Code of servlets
Stefan Fehrenbach skrev:
> Danny Yoo wrote:
> I thought I could make the server use the library you pointed to or
> something in this direction.
>> we can do the conversion ourselves, and then pass that back as the
>> response.
> I'll think of this, would allow me to print the <!DOCTYPE...> too.
The normal xml-library provides pretty printing:
(require (lib "xml.ss" "xml"))
(define (xexpr->pretty-string xexpr)
(let ([os (open-output-string)])
(xexpr->xml xexpr) os)
(get-output-string os)))
> (display (xexpr->pretty-string
'(html (head (title "A title"))
(body "Foo"))))
A title
Generating a response can be done in many ways, for example
in the following non-standard way:
(require (planet "web.scm" ("soegaard" "web.plt" 1 0))
(lib "xml.ss" "xml"))
(define (xexpr->pretty-string xexpr)
(let ([os (open-output-string)])
(xexpr->xml xexpr)
(get-output-string os)))
'(html (head (title "A title"))
(body "Foo"))))
for more on make-response.
Jens Axel Søgaard