[plt-scheme] trying to make a function that adds a list
The assignment is as follows:
Write a Scheme functin that accepts an accumulating functin
(summation, product) and a list of numbers and returns the
accumulation of the operation on each element of the list. If the
list '(1 2 3 4 ) was supplied and an operatin "sum" that adds two
elements, the function should return the sum of the list.
I figure that I should start by writing a function that builds the
(define (doall fn l)
(if (null? (cdr l)
(list (fn(car l)))
(append (process_all fn(cdr l))(list fn(car l))))))
But I am getting an error when I try to run it:
if: bad syntax (has 1 part after keyword) in: (if (null? (cdr l) (list
(fn (car l))) (append (process_all fn (cdr l)) (list fn (car l)))))
Can somebody help me?