[plt-scheme] Perplexed Programmers
I've been trying to stay out of this conversation. It's been going on now, how long, some 50 years or so? I know good design, and code, when I see them but usually fall short in producing them. Maybe it's time to admit that the best programming is an art, and there aren't any formulas for producing it. If we could ask Picasso how he drew a picture, he would probably say, Just like this, and fluidly draw us another as his answer.
Hit me if you want to.
Matthias Felleisen <matthias at ccs.neu.edu> wrote:
On Aug 29, 2007, at 11:00 AM, Shriram Krishnamurthi wrote:
>>> The real tragedy of the past 20 years is not that the Lisp Machine
>>> didn't grow by two orders of magnitude (cue obligatory joke about
>>> global warming) but that the Programmer's Apprentice didn't.
>> If you replace the last "didn't" with "did" on this list
>> then I like your statement and it expresses a good sentiment
>> on this list.
> I really did mean "didn't". That is, I think it is a tragedy that we
> are not farther along in terms of building a Programmer's Apprentice.
And you are referring to the MIT research not the Pragmatic Programmer,
which my old senile brain substituted in when I read your post.
I am with you. -- Matthias
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