[plt-scheme] GMT date stamps and time-zone-offset
On Aug 19, 2007, at 13:16, Jens Axel Søgaard wrote:
> The function seconds->date-string below is supposed to
> return a data stamp using GMT. At first I thought I
> were to adjust for summer time, but it seems that
> happens automatically. But to be on the safe side, I'd
> appreciate, if you try running the snippet below.
I ran your code on 370.6-svn25jul2007 [3m] and got:
"Sun, 19 Aug 2007 20:56:41 GMT" -- which is correct.
I would have expected UTC (modern) instead of GMT (traditional). I
never understood why UTC has to be an anagram for both Coordinated
Universal Time (English) and Temps Universel Coordonné (French). I
suspected it was a compromise to make the English and French equally
miserable, and Wikipedia says as much. "Coordinated universal time a
été abrégé en UTC, au lieu de CUT correspondant à l'acronyme en
anglais ou de TUC correspondant à l'acronyme en français. En effet,
si les experts de l'UIT étaient d'accord pour définir une abréviation
commune à toutes les langues, ils étaient divisés sur le choix de la
langue. Finalement, c'est le compromis UTC, nécessitant un effort des
deux parties, qui fut choisi." [1]
Geoffrey (planetarium lecturer in the 1970s)
[1] http://fr.wikipedia.org/wiki/Temps_universel_coordonné