[plt-scheme] Can I create an event that's like an alarm, but can be reset?
I think you can code that up with threads and channels. If you want a
GUI event (instead of an evt) you might want to check out timer%.
On 8/8/07, Eric Hanchrow <offby1 at blarg.net> wrote:
> Here's what I'd like: an event that I create just like an alarm (i.e.,
> by calling, say (define a (resettable-alarm-evt 1234))). It acts just
> like an alarm, _except_ if, before it is ready, I call (reset-alarm!
> a), then it will now be another 1234 milliseconds before it goes off
> (assuming I don't reset it yet again).
> Is there some way I can create such a thing? Or perhaps I can use an
> existing synchronizeable event, but to be blunt the docs for events
> make my eyes glaze over -- I don't understand what half of the event
> types are for.
> --
> 'The energy capacity of batteries is increasing 5 percent to
> 8 percent annually, but demand is increasing exponentially,'
> Mr. Cooper said.
> -- New York Times
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