[plt-scheme] web-server memory use
At Mon, 30 Apr 2007 10:02:32 -0400, "Jay McCarthy" wrote:
> There is a bit of a problem, because the continuation manager is
> reachable by the servlet custodian, and it touches all your
> continuations, which touches all your instance data.
Is there a particular custodian that should be charged for each
continuation? (The instance's continuation?)
If so, I think you could use the following `make-cust-box' to insert a
indirection from the continuation manager to each continuation:
(define (make-cust-box cust v)
(let ([ch (make-channel)])
(parameterize ([current-custodian cust])
(thread (lambda ()
(let loop ()
(channel-put ch v)
(define (cust-box-val l)
(channel-get l))
If it it turns out to be the right idea, a direct implementaton of in
MzScheme would be much cheaper (instead of requiring a whole thread and
a context switch per access); a direct implementation also would be
easy to add.