[plt-scheme] Current trunk of web server apparently broken
I haven't seen the errors you report, so I upgraded to 396.11 (from
.8) and wrote a little test servlet based on some production code. I
include code below. Everything works. Hence, some suggestions:
- Don't use configure.ss, use instaweb instead. It gives you a
configuration you can check into your source code repository, and
automates some of the tedious aspects of setting up the web server.
- Don't write unit servlets, use modules instead. Modules give you
more optimisations and better error messages, and if you use DrScheme,
work better with check syntax
- Don't use the v1 interface, use v2-transitional instead. In our
site (we get about 10K hits a day; I believe we run the busiest site
using PLT Scheme) the v2-transitional interface has given us much
better control over continuation memory usage.
The servlet (file servlet.ss)
(module servlet mzscheme
(require (lib "lru.ss" "web-server" "managers")
(lib "response.ss" "web-server")
(lib "servlet.ss" "web-server"))
(provide interface-version
(define interface-version 'v2-transitional)
(define timeout +1800.0)
;; start : request -> response
(define (start initial-request)
'(html (head (title "Boo-ya!"))
(body (h1 "Boo-ya!"))))
(define (instance-expiration-handler request)
(printf "bye-bye!"))
;; manager : LRU-manager
;; An continuation is allowed to live a maximum of 6 hours
;; (30 minutes x 12), and a minimum of 1 minute (5 seconds
;; x 12). Lifetime is controlled by memory usage. Usage
;; above 256MB will result is more rapid death. This caps
;; the max size of uploaded files to around 100MB, which
;; should still be plenty.
(define manager
;; Called when an instance has expired.
;; The condition below is checked every 5 seconds
;; One 'life point' is deducted every 30 minutes
(* 30 60)
;; If this condition is true a 'life point' is deducted
;; from the continuation
(lambda ()
(let ([memory-use (current-memory-use)])
(if (>= memory-use (* 256 1024 1024))
(begin (collect-garbage)
;; The number of 'life points' an continuation starts with
#:initial-count 12
;; Logging done whenever an continuation is collected
#:inform-p (lambda (k) (printf "bye-bye!"))))
The instaweb wrapper (file: run-servlet.ss)
(require (planet "instaweb.ss" ("schematics" "instaweb.plt" 1)))
(print-hash-table #t)
(print-struct #t)
(error-print-width 1024)
(error-print-context-length 50)
(instaweb "servlet.ss" 8765)