[plt-scheme] help about regexp or read-line
Hello plt-scheme,
I have problem with this code
(define rx #rx"[_A-Za-zА-Яа-я0-9]+")
(define zz "function яя(z){ret?rn 1+z;} zzz(2);")
(regexp-match-positions rx (open-input-string zz))
return ((0 . 8))
This is right, but if define zz so
(define zz "функция яя(z){ret?rn 1+z;} zzz(2);")
then (regexp-match-positions rx (open-input-string zz)) return ((0 . 14))
I think it becouse i use UTF, but i have question - how corret this
Best regards,
wwall mailto:wwall at yandex.ru