[plt-scheme] Compiler bug?
Interesting. However, I think there still might be a bug.
I've updated and now when I change that file and run mzscheme on it:
jay $ mzscheme -mvt url-structs.ss
standard-module-name-resolver: cycle in loading at
Perhaps there is a bug in serialize that makes it require itself?
On 4/17/07, Matthew Flatt <mflatt at cs.utah.edu> wrote:
> At Mon, 16 Apr 2007 14:49:23 -0400, "Jay McCarthy" wrote:
> > If I change net/url-structs.ss to:
> > [...]
> > jay $ setup-plt
> > setup-plt: bootstrapping from source...
> > default-load-handler: cannot open input file:
> > "/Users/jay/Development/plt/src/plt/trunk/collects/syntax/moddep.ss"
> > (Too many open files; errno=24)
> Module require-cycle checking has been broken since version 369.2,
> apparently. (I was missing a test case before.) It's now fixed in SVN.
> The cause of the bug was interesting.
> To detect cycles, the module loader installs a continuation mark with
> the path of the file being loaded. Before loading a file, the module
> loader gets the current continuation marks and checks whether the file
> to be loaded is already in the list.
> As of 369.2, though, file loading is wrapped with a prompt. Since a
> prompt blocks continuation-mark capture the same as continuation
> capture, the mark list for files being loaded was always empty.
> The repair is for the module loader to install a prompt with its own
> private tag, if there's no prompt for that tag already. The module
> loader also checks the current continuation marks using its private
> tag, so that it can see past the file-loading prompt (which uses the
> default module prompt tag).
> Matthew
Jay McCarthy <jay.mccarthy at gmail.com>