[plt-scheme] Re: Post a HTML file
I have a little problem.
When i use hyper-frame with a local file, this code don't perform :
(require (lib "browser.ss" "browser"))
(define f (new hyper-frame%
[label "Demo"]
[start-url (string-append "file://" (path->string
(normalize-path "doc/index.html")))]
[width 400]
[height 300]))
I have this error :
normalize-path: #<path:/Users/laurentp/Desktop/Casse Brique/Users>
(within the input path) is not a directory or does not exist
I don't understand why the path is changed :
"/Users/laurentp/Desktop/Casse Brique/Users"
The absolu path is :
"file:///Users/laurentp/Desktop/Casse Brique/doc/index.html"
And the code is on a file located here :
"/Users/laurentp/Desktop/Casse Brique/doc.scm"
Someone understand my problem ?