[plt-scheme] MrEd Graphics Questions
On 4/13/07, Williams, M. Douglas <M.DOUGLAS.WILLIAMS at saic.com> wrote:
> First, does the basic structure of the graphical
> elements makes sense? For example, I am using an editor-canvas% instance to
> the main output. It works fine, but, for instance, I would like to make it
> not editable since I am using it just for output.
Try calling the `lock' message with #t. (note you'll need to unlock it
when you insert something and then re-lock it when you're done)
> Also, in the Options... menu item (under Edit), I am using text-field%
> instances and string->number to input simulation parameters. Is there a
> better method for doing this that would make checking values easier. In the
> same light, I would like to check the values when the field is exited. Is
> there a way to do that?
You can pass a callback method to a text-field% that gets called on
each keystroke. You can use that to do some checking. If the text is
bad, you might just use something like this (where `e' is bound to the
text% object in the text-field%).
(send e change-style
(send (make-object style-delta%) set-delta-background (if on? "yellow"
0 (send e last-position)))
to turn the text yellow, instead of rejecting it outright (then use
the ok button callback to reject the input when it is malformed).