[plt-scheme] FFI vs. library implementing RDBMS protocol
Yes, that's true. However, not always. It is true for instance for mysql,
because mysql only has a blocking C api. It is not true for e.g.
postgresql and sqlite, because they both provide asynchronous
interfaces. It is also not true, if your scheme (like e.g. bigloo)
provides OS thread support.
It would also not be true, if the FFI can be made to do async
function calls (by e.g. calling a function using an OS thread
Op 6/4/2007 schreef "Geoffrey S. Knauth" <geoff at knauth.org>:
>I saw the following on Planet Scheme. It was about Gambit-C, but I
>wondered whether the comment also applied to MzScheme?
>> Using the FFI to integrate the C API of your favorite RDBMS is a no-
>> no! If your code is multi-threaded, all your threads will be
>> blocked during a call to the C API. You don't want this. So you'll
>> need a library that implements the native protocol. That's a lot of
>> work, because you'll want it to be robust and efficient.
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