[plt-scheme] Help on a testing about CGC
Hi all,
Attached is a small PLT program. Would people please help testing it and report the result here with you platform information? Thanks.
The program consists of two modules. The base module is writen in C. To help compiling it, "installer.ss" is also attached. If you have a C compiler, load the installer and then run
(pre-installer (current-directory))
should be enough.
To do the testing, please load "mathematica.ss", run (MathKernel) first, and then test to see whether (current-mathlink) always return #<MathLink>.
Here is one of my test interaction:
Welcome to DrScheme, version 352.4.
Language: (module ...).
> (MathKernel)
> (current-mathlink)
> (current-mathlink)
> (current-mathlink)
Before each time you run (current-mathlink), please do GC enough time. I do this by hiting the "GC" buttom from DrScheme until the memory counter doesn't change (5-10 times).
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