[plt-scheme] symbols redefined in SRFIs
Dan Muresan skrev:
>> (module mzscheme2 mzscheme
>> (require (prefix srfi: (lib "1.ss" "srfi"))
>> (provide (all-from-except mzscheme
>> reverse! map
>> other-conflicting-names))
>> (provide (rename srfi:reverse! reverse!)))
> Thanks. I got the hang of that from the docs.
> Note that this version requires typing reverse! (and other conflicts)
> 3 times. Instead, I could create a module "mzscheme-" that doesn't
> export the conflicts, then a module "mzscheme+" which
> * imports srfi-1 + mzscheme-, and
> * exports the conflicts as well as mzscheme-.
That would be smarter.
>> instead of copying the DrScheme tool.
> Instead? plt-mzscheme exports only program and argv in addition to
> mzscheme...
I think I misunderstood the:
"copy of plt/collects/lang/plt-mzscheme.ss + SRFI-0"
I though you had literally inserted the srfi source
into your file.
Jens Axel Søgaard