[plt-scheme] changes in loading "collects" between 352 and 352.6?
Has there been changes in the way collects are loaded since 352 "release"?
I upgraded to 352.6, and am noticing that my collects libs do not seem to
load at boot anymore, but wait untill something uses them.
Also: When I do something that "starts the guibuilder load", i'm getting the
error message:
dynamic-require: name is not provided: snip-class by module:
from code that works under 352. i'm not sure if this is a mred/gui change,
or a module system change.
Any help is apreciated.
for reference guibuilder/readable is:
(module readable mzscheme
(require (lib "mred.ss" "mred")
(lib "class.ss")
(define gui-snip-class%
(class snip-class%
(inherit set-classname set-version)
(define/override (read f)
(let ([e (make-object gb:edit%)])
(send e prepare-to-load)
(send e read-from-file f)
(send e done-loading #t)
(make-object gui-code-snip% e)))
(set-classname "(lib \"readable.ss\" \"guibuilder\")")
(set-version 1)))
(define gui-snip-class (new gui-snip-class%))
(send (get-the-snip-class-list) add gui-snip-class)
(define gui-code-snip%
(class* editor-snip% (readable-snip<%>)
(inherit get-editor set-min-width set-min-height set-snipclass
(define/public (read-special source line column position)
(send (get-editor) build-code #f #f))
(define/override (write f)
(send (get-editor) write-to-file f))
(define/override (copy)
(make-object gui-code-snip% (send (get-editor) copy-self)))
(define/override (on-event dc x y editorx editory e)
(if (send e button-down? 'right)
(let ([tool-menu (make-object popup-menu%)])
(add-tools #f tool-menu (lambda (c%)
(send (get-editor) insert-element
(send (get-admin) popup-menu
tool-menu this
(- (send e get-x) x)
(- (send e get-y) y)))
(super on-event dc x y editorx editory e)))
(set-snipclass gui-snip-class)))
(provide gui-code-snip%))
and guibuilder.ss starts with:
(module guibuilder mzscheme
(require (prefix mred: (lib "mred.ss" "mred"))
(lib "class.ss")
(lib "file.ss")
(lib "pretty.ss")
(lib "etc.ss")
(lib "list.ss")
(prefix framework: (lib "framework.ss" "framework"))
;; These modules implement snips for the various
;; kinds of windows and controls.
(require "base.ss"
((lambda (y) (y y)) (lambda (y) (y y)))
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