[plt-scheme] obtaining list of opened files in DrScheme
At Wed, 4 Oct 2006 17:20:01 -0500, "pedro pinto" wrote:
> Hi there,
> I posted about this issue some months ago. I want to extend DrScheme
> with a change buffer dialog. Guillaume Marceau was kind enough to
> point me to some example code [1], which seems to indicate that I have
> to transverse some objects, beginning at the editor<%> argument that
> is passed to my event handler, until I find someone that has the list
> of open files. Unfortunately, I don't know my way around the framework
> very well. Can anyone point me in the right direction?
> [1] http://list.cs.brown.edu/pipermail/plt-scheme/2006-May/013171.html
I must have missed this message: what is a "change buffer" dialog? I
guess you don't mean the "Show Recently Opened Files in Separate
Window" window? I guess you're trying to make a new keybinding too?
The url you refer to seems to be a post by Danny Yoo, and I don't see
anything in the material you quoted in your original message. Sorry I'm
not being more helpful ...