[plt-scheme] function for reading text from Scheme files
The framework doesn't have the editor that drscheme itself uses, but
I don't think you need it. In fact, you probably only need text%.
Also, I think Eli has a script that does this and is more robust.
At Sun, 19 Nov 2006 19:30:48 -0800 (PST), Danny Yoo wrote:
> Hi everyone,
> Geb wrote a message while back asking how to get text out of PLT-enriched
> Scheme file. One way to do it is to use the Framework functions to get at
> an interesting editor, and then call snip-specific methods on that editor.
> Here is a quick-and-dirty kludge:
> ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;
> (module read-snips mzscheme
> (require (lib "list.ss")
> (lib "class.ss")
> (lib "framework.ss" "framework"))
> ;; get-editor: path -> editor%
> (define (get-editor path)
> (define frame:editor% (handler:edit-file path))
> (send frame:editor% show #f)
> (send frame:editor% get-editor))
> ;; Given a path, opens it and returns a list of its snips.
> ;; read-snips: path -> (listof snip<%>)
> (define (read-snips path)
> (let ([editor (get-editor path)])
> (let loop ([snips empty]
> [next-snip (send editor find-first-snip)])
> (cond
> [next-snip
> (loop (cons next-snip snips)
> (send next-snip next))]
> [else (reverse snips)]))))
> ;; snips->string: (listof snip%) -> string
> (define (snips->string snips)
> (apply string-append
> (map (lambda (snip) (send snip get-text 0 (send snip get-count)
> #t)) snips)))
> ;; (define (test)
> ;; (printf "~a~n" (snips->string (read-snips (build-path
> "~/Desktop/fabric-teachpack.scm")))))
> ;; (test)
> )
> ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;
> Limitations:
> * This is not robust: I really would want to somehow get the editor%
> that DrScheme is itself using, but haven't figured out how to pull
> that out of Framework yet.
> (Ideally, I'd like to get at the same editor% mixin that DrScheme
> itself figures out after Stage 1, but I have no idea how to do this
> besides bringing the heavyweight DrScheme to life!)
> * It's also not doing anything too smart when it hits image snips.
> It probably only works if there are string or image snips; I
> don't think it'd work on other kinds of snips.
> * Another limitation is that you need to run this within the context
> of a MrEd-aware setup, so 'mred' or DrScheme are the two
> environments where this will work.
> Finally, I have to warn that I have no real clue if I'm doing this right
> at all. *grin* There probably is an easier way to do what I'm doing.
> Anyway, happy thanksgiving!
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