[plt-scheme] xxx chooses MzScheme as preferred language

From: Williams, M. Douglas (M.DOUGLAS.WILLIAMS at saic.com)
Date: Wed May 31 16:59:23 EDT 2006

> We've been revising the shootout tests to make them a bit more realistic
> in terms of the tasks they perform,
> as well as trying to make it harder for smart compilers like GHC to toss
> aside useless computations.
> -Brent

I personally would be afraid of losing all of my computations if a compiler
tossed out the 'useless' ones.

Although seriously I would be interested in seeing how PLT Scheme performs
against the others since the introduction of the JIT compiler, etc.  Also,
has anyone done in recent measures of the computational impact of contracts?
I'm just curious because I do use them a lot.


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